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Tuesday, October 22, 2013

Monk Meditation - Episode 7 - Mistweaver Roundtable (Nerf Disc!)

Welcome students to Monk Meditation, the show of monks, by monks, and for monks in the World of Warcraft. We've had the tanks and the DPS. Now, it's time to hear from those wonderful people that keep those guys alive. This week, we focus on the Mistweavers. We'll talk fistweaving, spirit, and so much more. This is Monk Meditation, Mistweaver Roundtable, Episode 7.

Guest hosts:
Affinitii - Blood Legion - Illidan US @AffinitiiBL
Suplift - 1337 - Lightbringer @WoWSuplift
Reglitch - @Reglitch_

Wednesday, October 9, 2013

Monk Meditation - Episode 6 - The Windwalker Roundtable

Welcome students to Monk Meditation, the show of monks, by monks, and for monks in the World of Warcraft. Today is Oct 8th, 2013. On this special episode, we are focused on the Windwalker and are joined by a team of heroic raiders here to discuss the state of the spec and where we stand in 5.4. This is Monk Meditation, Windwalker Roundtable, Episode 6.

@hinalover (Delritha from Roadrunners - Heroic 25 man; former Feral/Guardian Dev for Rawr)
@CalliMonkEJ Calligraphy - US Blackrock <Defenestrate> 25HC
@SaltyEric (Rotund from Something Wicked - Heroic 25 man)
@NeplixOfSummit - Illidan US Summit, 25 Heroic

Blog of the Week: Total's Tea Time -