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Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Monk Meditation - Episode 1 - Rise of the Brew

Welcome students to Monk Meditation, the show of monks, by monks, and for monks in the World of Warcraft. This week, we discuss some tips on the big ol’ dino, Horridon; dive into the PTR; Sunnier gives a Brewmaster 101 class; and it’s the mistweaver on the change roller coaster. This is Monk Meditation, episode 1. Streamed live on Jul 30, 2013

(Tiger Eye Brew change) - 

Tuesday, July 23, 2013

Episode 1 recording July 28th

We will be recording Monk Meditation Tuesday July 28th at 5:00 PM Pacific/8:00 PM Eastern via Google+ Hangouts on Air. If you mark yourself as attending, it will give you a reminder before it begins. Come join us for a discussion about Proving Grounds, changes to Mistweavers on the PTR, Brewmaster 101, and more!

Tuesday, July 16, 2013

Monk Meditation - Episode 0

The inaugural podcast for Monk Meditation. This week, Chaithi, Sunnier, Ayr, Daikatsu, and Naoyuki join together to discuss Flex raids, proving grounds, and legendary cloaks. Jihn'rok the Breaker is in our sights as we talk about tips for each spec to outperform! We also discuss PTR changes and discuss whether the sky is falling for Windwalkers or not. This is Monk meditation, episode 0.

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Monk Meditation - Episode #0 to record on Tuesday 7/16/13

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Monk Meditation has taken the next step.

After 52 recorded segments on The Instance and Convert to Raid, I decided there was so much monk information to be contained to a minute each week!

So, I'm bringing in some monk experts from the community:

We will be recording live via Hangouts on Google+ Tuesday at 5PM PDT/8PM EDT.