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Tuesday, April 21, 2015

Monk Meditation - Ep 46 - Revival of Chi Burst

6.2 has hit the PTR, Windwalkers got their nerfs nerfed, Brewmasters won’t be shufflin’, and we Revival ChiBurst. This is Monk Meditation - Episode 46.

Theme music: John the Return 2K11 - Butterfly Reloaded by Butterfly Tea

Monday, April 6, 2015

Monk Meditation - Ep 45 - BRF Mistweaver Roundtable

We Meet today with Monkioh from Midwinter and Ranor from Temerity to Meditate on the Minutia of Mistweaving and help windwalkers find their Maximum Multistrike. This is Monk Meditation - Episode 45.

Theme music: John the Return 2K11 - Butterfly Reloaded by Butterfly Tea